• Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm; Saturdays: by appointment only Sunday Closed
  • 719-632-4321 dingguy80909@gmail.com
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PDR Orientation Class

The Ding Guy is a family owned Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) business in Colorado Springs, Colorado. We have been in the PDR Business since1991! Our experience has been in every aspect of PDR. We have experience in the door ding repair market.

  • Hail repair market
  • Smash repair market (HEAVY GLUE PULL PROCESSES)
  • Insurance claims
  • App development of estimation software
  • Wholesale dealership accounts
  • Auto Body accounts
  • Fleet accounts
  • Estimating PDR damage
  • PDR Training
  • Retail sales
  • Marketing

We are excited to announce our PDR Introductory Classes! Have you considered a career in Paintless Dent Repair? Before you commit to a training course take this Industry orientation class to decide if this is truly the right fit for you. We can then point you in the right direction for in depth training.

James Bishop started his PDR career in 1991. His experience in this rapidly growing field is very extensive. Over the years Mr. Bishop has been involved in Hail Damage repair sites all over the country. From retail market repairs to high volume dealership wholesale contracts. James Bishop has maintained a retail location in Colorado Springs, Colorado since 1993. Owned a Collision Center. Over the years he has written several articles for Fender Bender Magazine and Body Shop Business News Magazine. Topics include Push 2 Paint for profit and how to integrate PDR into Collision Repair Shops. James is passionate about this industry and has the knowledge and experience to help you on your path to a new career or owning your own business! Contact us today!

Paintless Dent Repair Orientation Class

You will receive: 10 hours of hands on instruction (six hours one day and four the next) with one of the top Paintless Dent Repair leaders James Bishop in a small group setting. You will also receive a 30 min 1 on 1 mentoring session with James to laser focus your business direction and intentions. $699

Auto Body Push 2 Paint/ Glue Pull Smash Class

You will receive: 4 hours of hands on instruction. Techniques To Boost Your Profits and Repair Procedures. Become more proficient at panel saving procedures using push 2 paint processes. Smash repair glue pulling. $299

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    Colorado Springs Auto Body Repair

    Intro To Paintless Dent Repair 2-Day Workshop

    Introduction to The Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) Industry

    Grow Your Future

    Find out if you have the right mindset skill and passion for the PDR industry? Get the scoop on getting work, what companies are looking for in a PDR Technician. Does the area you want to work in have hail storms or do you consider traveling for storm damage? Will your situation require wholesale work with a heavy emphasis on door dings and minor abuse dents or possibly what is called smash repair. This is extreme panel damage repairs that save replacing panels on vehicles.

    You will receive: 10 hours of hands on instruction with one of the top Paintless Dent Repair leaders in the industry James Bishop in a small group setting.

    Workshop held in a high volume retail location in Colorado Springs, CO. where you will get a glimpse of what day to day operations look like for a PDR store. Lunch and snacks provided.

    Day One:

    9 am-11:00 am
    Business Basics/Tech Tools and Apps

    Orientation with open discussion. History of PDR overview. The environmental benefits of PDR. The market for PDR. What area of business my be beneficial to you getting started in the business.

    12 pm-2 pm PDR Tools
    R&I, job planning and Estimate Writing.

    How to read Insurance estimates. Where do you order parts? What is cost and list? What happens if you break something? What is a Customer Authorization form?

    2:30 pm-4:30 pm
    The realities of the insurance industry.

    What estimating platforms are best and why? What is an Insurance supplement? Does insurance cover these repairs? When is a claim denied? What information is needed to process a claim if it is needed? What is the best way to sell your skills? PDR demonstration and overview of process.

    Day Two:

    9 am-11:00 am
    PDR Basics For Door Ding Repairs

    Practical Application for Mobile Techs and Lot Repairs Learn Outdoor Techniques, Prequalify Damage before beginning a job, how to write quick door ding estimates.

    12 pm-2 pm
    PDR Basics For Hail Repairs Learn to quickly and efficiently estimate hail damage and R&I times using our Ding Stinger App

    You will learn basic PDR Techniques for repairing small dime to nickel size hail damage. Pinpointing your tool on the backside. We will be working on hoods to locate tool and find correct pressure for your ability to begin practicing.

    Auto Body Push 2 Paint Class

    PDR Techniques For The Auto Body Technician 1-Day Workshop

    Techniques To Boost Your Profits and Repair Procedures

    For years we have worked around Auto Body Technicians who are interested in Paintless Dent Repair. Some are wanting to change direction in their career but most just want to use some of the techniques they see being utilized by experienced skilled PDR Techs. This workshop is designed with this in mind. As an experienced Auto Body person or someone who is new to the business this class will increase your bottom line and add hours to your flag sheet with this workshop under your belt.

    9:30 am-11:30 am
    Getting to know your tools and supplies.

    Tools and equipment available for purchase will be specific to large dent glue pulling and push/pull to paint techniques. Basic orientation of metal repair and straightening with leverage equipment. When to use sharp tip tools for push 2 paint. Saving panels and converting parts into labor. Lighting and reflections. What light systems offer for the best view of damage. What is a blending hammer and how does it work with reflections for tension, eyebrows and crowns.

    Reflection along with feeling the contours. What lighting systems are best for your situation and why. Gain a good fundamental understanding through the eyes and experience of a 29-year technician.

    What does a good PDR Kit include?
    Money and time saving discussion about what tools specifically will enhance your body work to speed up your repairs. Do you want to add more PDR Tools to your box? What are the go to rods and twist tools that will make the biggest impact on your speed and efficiency.

    12:30 pm-2:30 pm
    PDR Basics for Hail

    Assessing panels and making a repair plan. Accessing Panels for Push 2 Paint. Push 2 Paint Techniques when are push to paint panels most profitable.

    Glue Pulling systems which ones are best and why?
    Glue pulling kits and the advantages for different manufacturers. Keco, Anaconda, Dent Dial, and others. Advantages to each platform and best bang for your buck. Glue selection for best pulls. Tabs for the best dent shape application. Dent machines, the myths and the truth.