• Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm; Saturdays: by appointment only Sunday Closed
  • 719-632-4321 dingguy80909@gmail.com
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Call 1-800-DING-GUY (346-4489) or Text 540-215-7377


Paintless Dent Repair

Why Go Paintless?

Paintless dent repair is now the preferred method of auto-body repair for many common dings and dents. In most cases the cost can be covered by your insurance. Call TheDingGuy today to schedule your Free Consultation!

Hail Damage

Oh, hail no!

If your car has hail damage, don’t hesitate to call TheDingGuy today. The longer you wait to get it repaired, the longer it has to possibly start chipping the paint or event rusting. DingGuy is your quick and easy ding and dent solution!

Autobody Repair

In need of autobody repair?

While we may specialize in Paintless Dent Repair, we can handle the great majority of autobody repair needs. Often time our services are less expensive and more rapid than taking your car to a typical autobody shop. Learn more about our services today.